Hi! This is Eva J. Miller, here.

Eva J. Miller

I welcome you to Infant’s Comfort, your best and safest infant bed and accessory site!

We all love to see our baby comfort sleep. Tell me, who doesn’t?

But what is more, we love to see our baby sleep comfortably, peacefully, and deeply. Again, who doesn’t?

But do you know how, or should I say, what do you need for that?

Well, the answer to this question is the Infant’s Comfort team mission. We do our best to provide valuable information from various authoritative sources and our experience.

So, what can we offer you?

Answers to numerous questions regarding crib/cot/infant beds with related accessories:

  • How to choose a infant bed?
  • How to buy it?
  • What to look for when choosing one?
  • How to clean and maintain it?
  • Positive and negative sides?
  • Reviews, tips, top picks, and more – we have them!

Wait! Not we! You have, my friend!

Moreover, you may choose in what direction and with what material we will be posting. Have some questions regarding infant bed supplies that you want the answer to? Or do you want a review on a specific product? Just let us know by visiting our contact page.

Now, some words about me and my team.

My name is Eva J. Miller. As a top retailer in the past, and a loving mom at present, I changed my lifestyle to spend more time with my family. My role as a loving wife and mother taught me that even small things like choosing a crib, cot, or mattress might play a significant role in our lives (especially when you have small children…). Curious by nature, I like to fall deeply into every topic. In this case, finding the right answer becomes my call of duty!

That is how the idea of my project Infant’s Comfort was born. The idea is to help people who are less curious or have less time to find answers to numerous questions regarding baby bedding.

But I couldn’t do all that without the help of my team:

  • Wanda Johnson – Certified Nurse Midwife by trade and wonderful person by nature. We both like assisting others. We’ve also known each other since we were in elementary school.
  • Pablo Clemens – retailer by trade and formerly a coworker. A man with great optimism and a good friend. I was able to go through difficult times in my life because to his assistance.
  • Jessica Perez – Our family’s dearest friend works as a freelance writer. He may not be a talker, but he has a lot of words to express simple information when he writes.

That’s all. Now you know who we are and what we do. And it’s time to get in touch with our content. We hope you will like it.

Best wishes,
Eva J. Miller