Crib Hacks for Short Moms to Make Baby Care Easier!





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There are a few things that short moms can do to make their lives easier when it comes to cribs.

One hack is to get a convertible crib that can be adjusted as your child grows. This way, you won’t have to keep buying new cribs every few years.

Another hack is to invest in a good quality mattress and bedding for your child’s crib.

This will save you money in the long run because you won’t have to keep replacing them.

Finally, try to find a brand of crib that has lower heights so that it’s easier for you to reach your child while they’re sleeping.

If you’re a short mom, you know the struggles of trying to reach your baby in their crib.

But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to hack your crib so you can still be an amazing parent!

Here are some effective tips:

  1. Use a step stool: This is probably the most obvious solution, but it definitely works! Just make sure that the stool is sturdy and won’t slip out from under you.
  2. Get a taller crib: If you have the opportunity, get a crib that’s a few inches taller than a standard one. This way, you won’t have to struggle as much to reach your baby.
  3. Use bedding with ties: Attach tiered bedding (like blankets or sheets) to the sides of the crib so you can easily grab them when you need to adjust them or tuck your baby in.
  4. Put baby’s toys on a higher shelf: If your little one loves playing with their toys in their crib, put them on a higher shelf within arms reach so they’re still accessible.
Crib Hacks for Short Moms


How Do You Get a Baby Out of a Crib When You’Re Short?

When you’re short and trying to get a baby out of a crib, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.

First, try using a step stool or something similar to help boost yourself up.

If that’s not possible or doesn’t work well, you can try leaning over the crib and using one arm to lift the baby out.

It’s important to be very careful when doing this so you don’t drop the baby or hurt yourself in any way.

Why Should a Crib Be 3 Feet from a Window?

When it comes to where to place your baby’s crib, safety is always the top priority. One potential hazard to be aware of is windows.

It’s important to keep the crib at least three feet away from any window in the room, for a few reasons.

First, there is the risk of your baby getting tangled up in the cords that operate the blinds or curtains.

These cords can be a strangulation hazard, so it’s best to keep them well out of reach.

Second, if a window is open, there is a risk that your baby could fall out.

Even if the window is only open a crack, babies are surprisingly agile and could wiggle their way into danger.

Finally, windows can let in drafts of cold air, which can be harmful for young babies.

Keeping the crib further away from the window will help protect your little one from any potential risks.

How Can I Increase the Height of My Crib?

If you’re concerned about the height of your baby’s crib, there are a few things you can do to increase it.

First, check to see if the crib has adjustable legs. Many cribs have at least one set of adjustable legs that can be raised or lowered to change the height of the crib.

If your crib doesn’t have adjustable legs, you can try adding risers to the feet of the crib.

Risers come in different heights and can be found at most hardware stores.

Just be sure to use screws or other fasteners that are specifically designed for use with furniture so that you don’t damage the wood.

Another option is to buy a taller mattress for the crib. This will raise your baby up higher in the crib and may make it easier for you to reach them when they’re sleeping.

Be sure to measure both the length and width of your current mattress before buying a new one so that you get a perfect fit.

You may also want to consider buying an extender kit for your convertible crib if you plan on using it for more than one child.

These kits raise the height of convertible cribs so that they can accommodate taller toddlers and preschoolers.

At What Height Should a Toddler No Longer Sleep in a Crib?

Most parents transition their child from a crib to a toddler bed between 18 months and 3 years old.

There are a few things to consider when making this decision. The first is your child’s physical safety.

A toddler bed is lower to the ground than a crib, which means there is less of a risk of injury if your child falls out.

If your child is tall for his or her age, you may want to consider making the switch earlier. The second thing to think about is your child’s emotional development.

Sleeping in a toddler bed can be an exciting milestone for some children, while others may find it scary or confusing.

If you think your child may be ready emotionally, try making the switch around 2-3 years old.

If you’re not sure whether or not your child is ready for a toddler bed, talk to your pediatrician for guidance.

They will be able to give you specific advice based on your child’s individual development.

Short Mom Putting Baby in Crib Tiktok

There’s a new trend on TikTok involving short moms putting their babies in cribs.

The idea is that the mom is too short to reach over the side of the crib, so she has to put her baby in from the front.

This trend has taken off because it’s both funny and relatable.

Many people can relate to being too short for things, and it’s always amusing to see someone else struggle with it. Plus, who doesn’t love a cute baby?

If you’re a short mom, or if you know one, be sure to check out this new trend on TikTok.

It’s sure to put a smile on your face!

Crib for Short Moms

If you’re a short mom, you know the struggle of trying to find a crib that actually fits your height.

You’ve probably tried using a step stool or balancing on your tip toes, but let’s be honest – that’s just not safe. So what’s a short mom to do?

The good news is that there are plenty of cribs out there that are specifically designed for shorter parents.

These cribs have lower mattress heights and shorter drop-down sides, so you can actually reach in and take your baby out without having to worry about falling in head first.

Here are some of our favorite cribs for short moms:

  1. The Babyletto Hudson 3-in-1 Convertible Crib has a low profile design and adjustable mattress height, making it perfect for shorter parents. Plus, it comes in a variety of chic colors and finishes, so you can find one that fits your style perfectly.
  2. The DaVinci Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib also has an adjustable mattress height and comes in over 20 different finish options, so you’re sure to find one you love. It also features built-in drawer storage perfect for storing all of your baby’s essentials close by.
  3. If you’re looking for something truly unique, check out the Oeuf Classic Crib. It has clean lines and a modern look, plus it’s made from sustainable solid birch wood. And suitable of all, also it has a super low profile design, making it perfect for shorter parents.

Crib is Too Low

If you have a newborn or infant, you know that keeping them safe is your number one priority.

But did you know that your crib could actually be putting your baby in danger?

That’s right, if your crib is too low to the ground, it could be a serious hazard.

Here’s why: If your crib is too low, your baby could easily roll out and onto the floor.

And once they’re on the floor, they’re at risk of serious injury.

They could hit their head on a hard surface, or worse, they could get stuck between the bars of the crib and suffocate.

So what’s the solution? It’s simple: make sure your crib is at least two feet off the ground.

This way, even if your baby does manage to roll out (which is highly unlikely), they won’t be able to reach the floor and will be perfectly safe.

Of course, this isn’t an issue if you have a bassinet or playard for your baby to sleep in.

But for those who are using a regular crib, take this advice and raise it up off the ground! Your baby will thank you for it.

Crib Stool for Parents

If you’re a parent, chances are you’ve had to deal with a crying baby in the middle of the night.

And if you’re like most parents, you’ve probably tried everything to get your baby to stop crying and go back to sleep.

But what if there was an easy way to help your baby fall asleep without having to leave their side?

Introducing the Crib Stool for Parents! This simple, yet innovative product is designed to help parents soothe their crying babies without having to get out of bed!

The Crib Stool for Parents is a small, portable stool that can be placed next to your baby’s crib.

It has a comfortable seat for you to sit on and two built-in speakers that emit calming white noise.

Simply turn on the white noise, sit down on the stool, and gently rock your baby’s crib until they fall asleep.

The Crib Stool for Parents is perfect for those middle-of-the-night feedings or when your baby just won’t stop crying.

It’s also great for naps. Simply put the stool next to your child’s crib and rock them gently until they drift off into dreamland.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to soothe your crying baby, check out the Crib Stool for Parents!


As a shorter mom, you may feel like you don’t have the reach to do things like change a crib mattress or get your baby in and out of the crib easily.

But there are some hacks that can help! For changing the mattress, try using a bed sheet to tie it down so you don’t have to lift it as high.

To get your baby in and out, put a pillow on your lap so they can sit higher up and then transfer them into the crib.

These simple tips can make life a little easier for shorter moms!

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