How to Safely Bedshare With Newborn?





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Bedsharing with a newborn is a controversial act, and one that should always be done safely. The most important thing to consider when bedsharing with a newborn is the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). To reduce this risk as much as possible, make sure your baby sleeps on their back and without any excess blankets or pillows nearby.

Make sure there are no gaps in the mattress that may cause suffocation or entrapment. Also ensure nothing else can get into the bed such as cords or pets, which could pose danger to your infant. Avoid drinking alcohol or taking drugs while bedsharing because they can impair judgement and decrease responsiveness during sleep.

Lastly, avoid smoking near the baby even if you do not smoke in the same room where they sleep.

  • Set up the bed: Place a firm mattress on the floor in an open, flat area away from blinds and cords
  • Make sure there are no gaps between the mattress and the walls or furniture that could trap your baby’s head or body
  • Choose the right sleeping surface: Use a sheet and thin blanket to cover your bed so you can tuck it securely around both sides of your body and make sure it is not too thick for safe breathing
  • If possible, use a sleep sack instead of loose blankets as they are designed to keep babies warm without restricting their movements
  • Monitor movement: You should be able to feel when your baby moves around during sleep time, but if you need extra reassurance try using a simple device such as an infant heart rate monitor which will alert you if something is wrong with their breathing or heart rate pattern while sleeping next to them 4
  • Keep pillows and other items away from baby: Babies can suffocate very easily if they come into contact with soft items like pillows while they are sleeping so make sure all these items are kept well away from where your baby is sleeping even if this means moving them out of arm’s reach during sleep times
  • 5
  • Respect boundaries: In order for everyone involved in co-sleeping arrangements (mum, dad & baby) to get enough restful sleep it is important to establish some ground rules about who does what during night feeds etc
  • , especially when more than one person shares responsibility for looking after the newborn
How to Safely Bedshare With Newborn


Can You Bedshare With a Newborn?

When it comes to sleeping, there is no one-size-fits all answer for parents. Some families opt to co-sleep with their newborns and others prefer that baby sleeps in a separate space. Bedsharing is one option of co-sleeping that some people consider when they have a newborn baby.

Bedsharing involves having your infant sleep in the same bed as you and can be beneficial if done safely and correctly. While there are some risks associated with bedsharing, research has also shown that it can provide many benefits such as improved breastfeeding success, better parent/baby bonding, enhanced sleep quality for both parent & baby, and more restful nights for mom or dad who don’t need to get up every time the baby stirs. The key to making this type of sleeping arrangement successful is ensuring proper safety precautions are taken.

This includes using an appropriate sized mattress for all occupants; positioning your baby on her back; keeping pillows away from your child’s face; avoiding bringing animals into the bed; never smoking while bedsharing; not drinking alcohol or taking any drugs before going to sleep; placing the adult so he or she cannot roll over onto the infant by accident; removing any other objects such as blankets or stuffed animals from near babies head area etc.. Ultimately each family needs to make their own decision about how they want their little ones to sleep but knowing what options are available – like bedsharing – can help them make an informed decision based on what works best for them!

What Age is It Safe to Bed Share With Baby?

When it comes to deciding when is the right age for a baby to share a bed with their parents, there is no definitive answer. Every family must consider what they believe is safest and most comfortable for them and their child. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all babies should sleep in the same room as their parents, but not in the same bed, until at least 6 months of age and ideally up until 1 year old.

This recommendation was based on research showing that infants who shared beds were more likely to experience sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Furthermore, if your infant has had breathing problems or other medical issues like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), then it’s best to delay any kind of co-sleeping until these issues are resolved. Before bringing your baby into bed with you be sure both parents feel comfortable doing so; especially if one parent does not want to participate this could create an unsafe sleeping environment and may increase the risk of SIDS or suffocation hazards associated with sharing a bed with an infant.

Additionally, make sure you have removed any pillows or blankets from your own mattress before putting your baby down as these can also pose risks during sleep time. Each family must decide what works best for them and following AAP guidelines will help ensure safe sleeping practices for everyone involved!

What is the Safest Way for a Newborn to Sleep in Bed?

The safest way for a newborn to sleep in bed is on their back. Always place your baby on his or her back for every sleep time, including naps. This position is the safest, and it can help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Make sure that your baby’s head remains uncovered throughout the night with no blankets or stuffed animals around them. Place babies feet at the foot of their crib when they are sleeping so that they won’t be able to kick off any covers during their sleep. You should also avoid placing any pillows, quilts or thick comforters in your baby’s sleeping area as these items can increase suffocation risks.

Finally, you should always keep your infant close by while they are sleeping in bed; this will allow you to monitor them more closely and make sure that they remain safe throughout the night.

How to bed share safely

Bed-Sharing Death Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bed-sharing is a known risk factor in sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). In 2017, 3,600 infants died in the United States due to SUID. Of those deaths, 877 were found to have occurred while sharing a sleep surface with an adult or another child.

Therefore, it is important that parents understand the risks of bed-sharing and make sure their baby has his/her own safe sleeping space.

Safe Sleep 7 Debunked

It’s important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to safe sleep for infants. While the American Academy of Pediatrics and other organizations have published guidelines on how best to keep your baby safe while sleeping, many ‘myths’ about what constitutes a safe sleep environment continue to circulate. To help clear up any confusion and ensure you are creating a safe space for your little one, let’s take a look at seven common misconceptions surrounding infant sleep safety.

Co Sleeping Killed My Baby

Co-sleeping, a practice where parents sleep in the same bed as their baby, is not recommended by medical professionals. This practice can lead to accidental suffocation or entrapment of babies, which has led to tragic consequences in some cases. In fact, according to research from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), co-sleeping has been associated with an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

For this reason, it is important for parents to be aware of the potential dangers associated with co-sleeping and take necessary precautions when sharing a bed with their little one.

Safe Bedsharing Position

Safe bedsharing positions can help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related deaths in babies. It is important that parents follow safe bedsharing guidelines, such as keeping baby on their own sleep surface (separate from adults), placing baby on their back for all sleeps, avoiding loose sheets or blankets near the face, providing a clear space around baby’s head and body, removing pillows and soft toys from the sleeping area and ensuring there are no gaps between mattresses or bedding where a baby could become trapped. Following these simple steps can result in a safer sleeping environment for your little one.

Is It Safe to Co Sleep With a 1 Year Old

Yes, it is generally safe to co-sleep with a 1 year old if you take the necessary precautions. When co-sleeping, make sure that the baby has their own separate sleep space on a firm mattress and remove any pillows, blankets or stuffed animals from the bed. Additionally, ensure that your bedding and clothing are free of loose strings or fabric that could potentially cause suffocation.

Lastly, always put your baby to sleep on their back and never leave them unattended while sleeping in an adult bed.

Bed-Sharing With 6 Month Old

Sharing a bed with your 6 month old can be beneficial for both parent and child, as it encourages bonding, facilitates breastfeeding, and provides comfort. However, safety should always come first when considering this kind of arrangement. Make sure the mattress is firm and free from soft items such as pillows or blankets that could smother the baby; place them on their backs to sleep; and keep extra people out of the bed so there is no risk of rolling over onto the baby.

How to Safely Co Sleep With 6 Month-Old

When co-sleeping with a 6 month-old baby, it is important to follow safety guidelines. Begin by making sure the sleeping surface is firm and free of any objects or clutter that could pose a suffocation risk. Additionally, never place your baby on their stomach while co-sleeping, as this can increase the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Finally, create boundaries between you and your child such as guard rails to keep them from rolling out of bed during sleep. These precautions will ensure that both you and your child get safe and restful nights’ sleep while co-sleeping.


Bedsharing with newborns can be a great way for parents to get more rest and bond with their baby. By following the safety guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that bedsharing is done safely and help protect your little one from any potential risks. As long as you are mindful of these tips and aware of the possible dangers involved, bedsharing can be a wonderful experience for both parent and child.

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