Tongue Crib





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A tongue crib is a device that is used to prevent babies from sucking on their tongues. It is usually made of plastic or metal and consists of two parts: one part that fits over the baby’s mouth and lips, and another part that fits behind the tongue. The device prevents the infant from sticking out their tongue beyond the sides of the crib, which can be dangerous if it gets stuck in something like a blanket or clothing.

Tongue cribs are often recommended by doctors for infants who have difficulty with breastfeeding due to excessive tongue thrusting or other issues. They may also help reduce snoring sounds in infants as well as preventing them from biting their own tongues while sleeping.

Tongue cribs are a great way to help keep your baby’s tongue in the correct position for breastfeeding. They can be especially helpful for babies with tongue tie, as they prevent the baby from being able to thrust their tongue forward and interfere with latching on properly. Tongue cribs also provide gentle pressure that keeps the baby’s mouth open wide enough during feeding, making it easier to latch on correctly.

Most important of all, they promote healthy nursing habits which will lead to better nutrition and overall health for your little one!

Tongue Crib


What is the Purpose of a Tongue Crib?

A tongue crib is a device used to help treat and manage patients who suffer from snoring or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It works by preventing the tongue from falling back against the throat, which can block airways and cause difficulty breathing during sleep. The purpose of this device is to provide an effective way to maintain an open airway while sleeping, helping patients get a better night’s rest without feeling suffocated.

Tongue cribs are typically made out of soft plastic material that fits snugly around the patient’s mouth and jawline. They can be adjusted for comfort with adjustable straps that fit behind the head or neck. These devices are designed to allow enough space for comfortable breathing while also keeping the tongue in place so it won’t fall back over your throat and block your airways during sleep.

Many users find them very helpful in managing their symptoms and achieving more restful nights’ sleeps.

Are Tongue Cribs Effective?

Tongue cribs have been a popular option for treating snoring and sleep apnea, but are they actually effective? The short answer is yes. Studies have shown that tongue cribs can be an effective treatment in reducing snoring and improving the quality of sleep for those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Tongue cribs work by gently pushing the tongue forward to open up the airway, allowing easier breathing during sleep. This increased airflow helps reduce snoring while also helping to improve oxygen levels during the night. Additionally, tongue cribs may help prevent obstruction when other treatments such as CPAP machines fail or are not suitable for certain people.

For example, some individuals with severe OSA cannot tolerate wearing a CPAP mask or don’t respond well to lifestyle changes that may help treat their condition. In these cases, a tongue crib could provide relief from symptoms associated with OSA without having to resort to more invasive methods of treatment.

Is a Tongue Crib the Same As a Tongue Rake?

No, a tongue crib and a tongue rake are not the same. A tongue crib is a device that is placed over the tip of the tongue to prevent it from thrusting forward. It comes in various shapes and sizes – some look like metal strips with small circles cut out of them, while others resemble an adjustable bar or clamp.

On the other hand, a tongue rake is an oral hygiene tool designed to clean debris off your taste buds and remove bacteria on your tongue. The shape of this device looks like a flat-edged spoon or spatula, which you can use to scrape away plaque or food particles from your surface taste buds. Both devices have their own advantages when it comes to cleaning and maintaining healthy oral hygiene; however, they should never be used interchangeably as their designs differ greatly for specific purposes.

What Can You Eat With a Tongue Crib?

If you’re looking for a quick, easy and delicious meal idea, then look no further than the tongue crib! This simple dish is made with bread or toast topped with cheese and your favorite meats. With just a few ingredients, this traditional dish can be enjoyed in minutes.

Whether you’re enjoying it as an appetizer or main course, there are so many ways to enjoy this classic comfort food. To make it even more flavorful, add some of your favorite sauces like salsa or hot sauce. You can also top your tongue crib sandwich with vegetables such as tomatoes, onions and peppers for added nutrition.

For those who prefer something sweet on their sandwiches, try adding jam or honey instead of savory sauces – it’s sure to please everyone at the table! Enjoy your tongue crib sandwiches with a side salad or soup for a complete meal that will satisfy any appetite!

Orthodontic Treatment for Openbite – Upper Tongue Crib Appliance

Does a Tongue Crib Hurt

No, a tongue crib does not hurt. A tongue crib is an oral appliance that is designed to help people who snore and sleep with their mouths open by preventing the tongue from falling back into the throat. The device fits comfortably in your mouth like a retainer and can be worn while sleeping or during other activities.

While it may cause some initial discomfort as you adjust to wearing it, this should subside quickly over time and will not cause any pain or lasting damage.

How Long Do You Wear a Tongue Crib

The length of time you should wear a tongue crib largely depends on the severity and type of your particular dental issue. Generally speaking, it is advised to wear the tongue crib at night while sleeping for as long as 3-6 months in order to give your teeth or jaw time to heal properly. It may also be necessary to continue wearing it during the day if your dentist believes that is best for you.

Ultimately, following your dentist’s advice is key in ensuring optimal results from using a tongue crib.

Tongue Thrust Appliance Cost

The cost of a tongue thrust appliance will vary depending on the type and complexity of the treatment. Generally, these appliances are designed to be worn for several months at a time and range in price from $150-$400. Additionally, consultation fees with an orthodontist may also apply.

Does Tongue Crib Affect Speech

Yes, tongue crib can affect speech. It occurs when the tip of the tongue is constantly pressed against the roof of the mouth in an attempt to keep it there. This results in a lisp or distortion of certain sounds such as those made by S, Z, and SH.

In addition to this impediment on pronunciation, children with tongue crib may also have difficulty articulating words correctly due to their restricted range of motion in their mouths. Treatment for this condition usually involves speaking exercises aimed at increasing the mobility of the mouth muscles and teaching proper pronunciation techniques.

Tongue Guard for Tongue Thrust

A tongue guard for tongue thrust is a device that can be worn during the day or at night to help reduce the symptoms associated with this condition. It works by gently pressing on the roof of the mouth and retraining your tongue to stay in its proper position. By using a tongue guard, you can help improve your speech patterns, reduce snoring, and even correct misaligned teeth due to excess pressure from improper swallowing habits.

Additionally, it may also provide relief from headaches caused by tension in the jaw muscles as well as chronic throat irritation caused by airway blockage due to an overly active gag reflex.

Tongue Thrust Appliance Removable

A Tongue Thrust Appliance Removable is a type of oral appliance that is used to help correct tongue thrusting, which is when the tongue protrudes outwards during speaking or swallowing. The appliance fits over the teeth and works by preventing the tongue from pushing forward against the teeth, helping train it to stay in place while talking or eating. It can be worn for several hours each day and removed for cleaning purposes as needed.

Additionally, its use can be combined with speech therapy sessions for more effective treatment of tongue thrusting.

Tongue Thrust Appliance for Adults

Tongue thrust appliances for adults are dental devices used to help retrain the tongue and surrounding oral muscles. By using an appliance, adults can learn to keep their tongues in a more forward position when speaking or swallowing. This helps to reduce improper tongue thrusting which can cause problems such as speech impediments and malocclusion of the teeth.

The appliance should be worn for several months until the desired results have been achieved, after which it may be removed and regular visits to your dentist should occur for follow-up care.


The Tongue Crib is a great tool for people who want to learn more about their oral health and the importance of good dental hygiene. It can help them understand why it’s important to brush, floss, and use mouth rinse regularly as well as detect potential signs of gum disease or other issues. With its easy-to-use design and comprehensive information, the Tongue Crib is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to take charge of their oral health.

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